Wednesday, December 2, 2009

simple really

december is cold so far in asheville. today's high is 46. tomorrow's 35. brrrr. snowflakes are expected overnight. brrrrrr. so we snuggle and stay close. scout romps a lot during the chilly months. he can't wait to get out and run. i can.

today reeves has him while i create and move around my house without having to think about going for a walk, OUTSIDE, with scout. how i appreciate this gesture. a dog free day.

tomorrow i participate in an outdoor craft show. rain, shine, snow. come what may, we'll be there.

i haven't written or considered what else to write so here's a list :: made as i write it.

:: life's simple really.
:: let someone help you.
:: go for it.
:: let someone else decide.
:: make it yourself.
:: smile.
:: remember you are rooted.
:: question your own answer.
:: hot baths work wonders.
:: freedom is found at the library.
:: try decaf.
:: stick your tongue out for fun when you're alone.
:: listen for the birds.
:: walk hand in hand, even if it's your own.
:: show.
:: thank the heavens, the gods and goddesses, city hall isn't in charge of everything!

cheers to the weekend..............................................................................................
'til, root & grow, soon.

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