Weather changes. And the Earth bears it all, showing off her power and her beauty every moment. There's no relief from her continued work and play. We are at her effect while she is simultaneously at ours. 2/Why can't we learn how to love and care for Earth?
I just don't get it.
How gloriously we love the play on Earth, the hiking we do, the walk, the run, the pursuit of ourselves as we walk under a blue sky, a gray sky, a wakening sky of pale whites, pinks, light blues. I wanna be more honest about life! 3/Why can't we take better care of the Earth?
How????? How can we love the Earth better? 4/ Can we?
5/Why are we so afraid to be honest with each other?
I'm scared of you.
I'm in love with you.
I want you to change.
I want you to stay the same.
I don't love you all the time.
I wish you loved me more.
Keep me safe.
Hold my hand.