Monday, July 5, 2010

great expectations

spring is over, summer is here, and the tomatoes that others planted are ripe and ready. i hear that the asheville farmer's market sells a box of hybrid tomatoes for $7. how is that possible?
somehow it is possible and over the fourth of july weekend, i got to share one with reeves. yum, melt in my mouth, and a bit of nutritional yeast on it or brown rice vinegar. try it, you'll enjoy it on things you might not think to put it on, but please try it.

reeves' two community farmers shared with him lots of cucumber, and two kinds of squash:
i made some slaw with the squash and the vinegar (+ other ingredients) , and reeves ate a chicken that someone else made (with seasoning that made the house and scootie's nose notice).
we have great expectations of ourselves and our vegetables and mostly they come out great, though mostly there's something wrong, too. we can always find that there's something wrong.

but these great expectations keep turning out, and by golly, it's already the second half of the year and i know there's something wrong and maybe what's wrong is that i can't include what's wrong in what's right. except maybe.

maybe i have the perfect mix of right and wrong just like you! you who....thanks for reading!