being a person is what life is all about.
one of my favorite marketing features is the way a company like aveda tests on people not animals:People-tested/Teste sure des etres humains/probabo en personas.
reeves and i sat in a new barnes and noble yesterday. we found books and magazines to peruse while we wiled the afternoon. i found a book of poems by one of my favorite poets: wislawa szymborska, a polish writer who won the nobel prize for literature a few years back.
here's the first poem i turned to:: No End of Fun
So he's got to have happiness,
he's got to have truth, too,
he's got to have eternity
did you ever!
He has only just learned to tell dreams from waking;
only just realized that he is he;
only just whittled with his hand ne' fin
a flint, a rocket ship;
easily drowned in the ocean's teaspoon,
not even funny enough to tickle the void;
sees only with his eyes;
hears only with his ears;
his speech's personal best is the conditional;
he uses his reason to pick holes in reason.
In short, he's next to no one,
but his head's full of freedom, omniscience, and the Being
beyond his foolish meat -
did you ever!
For he does apparently exist.
He genuinely came to be
beneath one of the more parochial stars.
He's lively and quite active in his fashion.
His capacity for wonder is well advanced
for a crystal's deviant descendant.
And considering his difficult childhood
spent kowtowing to the herd's needs,
he's already quite an individual indeed -
did you ever!
Carry on, then, if only for the moment
that it takes a tiny galaxy to blink!
One wonders what will become of him,
since he does in fact seem to be.
And as far as being goes, he really tries quite hard.
Quite hard indeed - one must admit.
With that ring in his nose, with that toga, that sweater.
He's no end of fun, for all you say.
Poor little beggar.
A human, if ever we saw one.
Ain't that sweet and everything juicy? Aren't you that sweet and juicy? Aren't you that human? Here's to a week of rooting, shining, tiling, mulching, leaving, blossoming and doing exactly what you need to do to be you.
psssst::there's a sale at shopterrain