I'm just learning how to blog, always learning how to live, and never learning everything but trying::i use what others have done or thought or learned or made for my very own, and then sometimes pass along::kind of like 2010 folklore '-)
here's some of what i came across this week that caused me aha or i remember or wow isn't this something!
farm to table
cookbooks. there's nothing but baking or cooking during the holidays that makes me happier; being in the kitchen, aware of what I am doing but not exactly sure of myself....Not being sure of myself is the route to an outcome that is satisfying to me....It's not only delicious, whatever I make, it's made up in the moment, no certainty until it's in my mouth.-)
this is my favorite of all the bread baking I do....it's easy, and it was my first attempt at making bread. i first made it about four years ago, just after katrina, which was when i really started to bake. it came out oh so good, and each time i make it, it is still oh so good. i reiterate::it's easy.
how about learning about being green?
favorite blog
i recommend mayamade for those of you wondering how to cycle paper towel roll holders again. mayaluna has a pretty fascinating, not quite simple way with craft.
anthropologie sale
and here is my favorite site for beautiful things
Garden your life, move through it, love into it, feel it out, & dig down...show your blossoms when you go out and nurture your roots by staying home.